Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year's resolutions

Goals for the year.

Keep my weight stable, having lost weight in 2007.
Keep attending weightwatchers at least once per month
Tone up, either through an exercise class, or at home with DVDs

Devise new challenges at the family centre. There is a possibility of becoming a 'volunteer coordinator' need to look into that.

Learn more about photography. Take Cheryls' next course. Read up on famous photogrpahers work - borrow books from the library, internet etc.
Reading. Continue to read a diverse selelction of books, join in the BPS reading room, and check in on The Book Forum again.

Do not spend money on scrapbooking for a few months! Use up waht stash I have first.
I would like to save a bit of my monthly earnings. Look into opening a regular savings account.

May need to spend more time with Mum and Dad this year, helping them out. Might need to free up 2 afternoons per week for them.
Continue to be patient with DD!!! Continue to have a meal out per month with DD and DS.
Have days out with DH, quality time! Have meals out, just the 2 of us.

Photography. Take 1 photo per day when HSMS blog comes back on.
Limit time spent chatting on forums.
Scrapbooking. Do more! Get regular time slots each week, and do not spend them on the computer! Learn new techniques, especially paint (doing Emily Falconbridge's Got Paint course atm) and stamping. Join in more cardmaking and ATCs on tanda stamps. Do an A-Z book, probably of Everday things. Do not spend on new stash (see above)

1 comment:

Mj said...

Wow Linda that's some list hun, can see a few that I will be trying their too, looking forward to Cheryls next classes, and must scrapbook more, good luck with them all.


Mj xx