However, I am up to the end of the 1990s now! (Except that I found an album with a mix of late 90s in it, but it won't take long to slip them inbetween.)
Once I have them all in albums, I am going to go through and decide which photos I am likely to scrapbook. The ones I am not going to do anything with can go into 'cold storage', and then I have a Creative Memories Powersort box, that I will file photos in subject categories, instead of chronological order. I had already started to do this some months ago before reading SJ's book, so it feels right for me. I love the idea of being able to make 'connections' between photos over time. For example, I found one of the chimney of Shoreham power station being blown up, then one of the new power station. I can feel a LO coming on!
So the idea is not to have chronological albums, but albums such as People, Places, Things we do etc.
This system is going to take a long time to get going properly, but I am enjoying the journey! I have discovered some real gems along the way, and some really awful photos too! And I have even stopped and created a couple of LOs. More about them tomorrow!