Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving last day

This is my last post on this topic! Yesterday I was thankful for Lucy and her boyfriend Tom, who together cooked us the most yummiest roast dinner! We had Mum over so I cleared the dining room and we ate at the proper dining room table. It was really lovely!

I have so enjoyed doing this thread! Thank you for reading it! It has made me feel much more positive and happy, and I hope it has done the same to all of you even though some of you are going through very tough times. In fact, I was watching The One Show last week, and they were doing a little article about stress, and got this rather depressed, pessimistic man to complete a 'happiness diary'. He had to think of 3 good things each day and write them down. He had terrible trouble at first, but got better at it over the month and found his outlook on life really changed!!! I think I might do that in january, which can be a rather depressing month.

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