Friday, November 13, 2009

5 things….

Here’s an idea I got from Shimelle’s class:


What am I seeing right now? 

Rain!  It is damp and dreary today.  It is pouring down with rain, and is very dark.. It is forecast to get windy too!


What am I listening to right now?

Black Swan Song by Athlete (won’t let me embed it at the moment, so go and find it on You Tube.


What am I tasting right now?

Just had a very healthy salad for lunch.  Trying to lose a few lbs before Lucy’s party on 12th December to be able to fit into my LBD!


What am smelling right now?

Last thing I noticed the smell of was my friend’s baking this morning when I went for coffee!  Had to have a piece of her warm scone!  MMMMMMM!  (It was only a tiny bit I promise!)


What am I feeling right now?

A bit bundled up in warm clothes!


What are you seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling?

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