Friday, April 03, 2009

Remembering Dad

yesterday we had a man come to take away the big machine tools from Dad's garage. The garage was Dad's domain, none of us knew anything about the tools or what he did out there! He had a lathe, a milling machine, a bandsaw, a vertical drill etc. But that's what Dad did! He made some fantastic things for us and the grandchildren. I have a shaker style seat in the conservatory, and a bookcase in my bedroom. We have a doll's house which I have tried to decorate and furnish!! In the loft are a castle, a farm, a dolls bed and 2 desks! He also made a full size rocking horse for my brother's children.
As a child I can always remember Dad in his garage. We had a small garden with the garage in a compund, but it was at the back of our garden, so there was a door into it from the garden. He was out there EVERY night! His hands were always black with oil and grease! In those days he fixed cars, and did alot for the Austin 7 club. He machined the cylinder blocks for the engine for restored Austin 7s. He was involved in a record attempt in the late 1970s with Austin 7s round Goodwood circuit. (Andrew and Maurice went to reunion before Christmas - 30 year anniversary!) When I first bought a moped when I was 17, Dad rebuilt the engine! And then I bought a Suzuki 50cc trail bike which I blew up the engine, and he rebuilt that too!
It was the right time to clear the garage. Any sooner would have been more painful, but any later and the tools would have started to detierorate. But it did feel like a little bit more of Dad gone from our lives!


Zoechaos said...

Sending mental hugs, this must have been a tough one just handling your Dad's stuff and remembering.

Lesley Edmonds said...

Hi Linda, Your Dad kept his tools in tip top condition, my Dad too has a lathe or two and the dust.....he says he knows where everything is, haha!!
Lesley x