Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I've made another star book! I love making these. This one is for my friend's daughter who is 18 today. My friend gave me loads of photos, so I scanned them in and resized, cropped and cut them up. I themed each page, so there is a page of Rose as a little girl, a page of parents and siblings, a page of grandparents and cousins, a page of school and pets, and finally the page you can see is Rose's singing career. She won BBC Choirgirl of the year in 2004, and here are some of the people she met during her year. I gave her the book yesterday, and she was thrilled with it, she even cried!!!

I wonder if I can go into business making minibooks for people?...? Don't suppose it would make much money, but it would give me some extra pocket money for stash.....


Linda said...

Flo's book was much better than mine!!! Mine is very basic and easy to do. I should sort out my instructions and email them to you.

Sarah said...

no way was it better - you've finished yours and it looks fabulous!! Knowing me I'll never get around to finishing mine....

A Hovel to Home said...

ohhhh lovely star book. I've never made one.

You could get published, if you like and have an article about making one on the Galaxy?

If you want to link to blogs, you could just add them under your links in the blog template, or if you want to just add a link in the blog entry you type add name.


A Hovel to Home said...

okay, so that didn't go so smooth as it just taken it like a link.

I will send you a pm.